Making a sandwich
Make a sandwich with bread, cheese, and salad. It's easy and fun! You can tell me all about it after, in any way you like!
Quantifiers Imperative mood Countable and Uncountable Nouns Cooking FoodQUEStion 1
What is the first step in making a sandwich?
A Choosing your bread
B Eating the sandwich
C Putting the sandwich in a bag
QUEStion 2
What should you put on the bread first for a basic sandwich?
A Your favorite sauce or spread
B A slice of cake
C Just pickles
QUEStion 3
Which of these is a common sandwich ingredient?
A Chocolate chips
B Lettuce
C Ice cream
QUEStion 4
How do you know when your sandwich is ready to eat?
A It's warm and toasted (not all sandwiches need to be toasted)
B All the ingredients are between the slices of bread
C It starts to sing
QUEStion 5
What's the best way to make your sandwich easy to eat?
A Throw it in the air and catch it with your mouth
B Leave it whole
C Cut it into small pieces
Great job!
Try the speaking task below, available in 4 levels, and receive expert feedback after completion any level you want!
StartChoose Level
What ingredients do you need to make a sandwich? I need…….
How do you make a sandwich? I make it by…….
What is your favorite sandwich? My favorite sandwich is…….
Do you like sandwiches with vegetables? I do / do not like sandwiches with vegetables because…….
Are sandwiches easy to make? Sandwiches are easy / not easy to make because…….