International Women's Day
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(Can, Could) Auxiliary Verbs Stative verbs Direct and indirect objects Study and academic work Celebrations Friendship Relationships Feelings Family MembersQUEStion 1
When is International Women's Day celebrated?
A April 8
B May 8
C March 8
QUEStion 2
What color do people often wear on International Women's Day?
A Purple
B Red
C Blue
QUEStion 3
What common symbol is associated with International Women's Day?
A Rose
B Sunflower
C Tulip
QUEStion 4
Which area do women seek equality in on International Women's Day?
A In every aspect of life
B Only in sports
C Just in pay
QUEStion 5
What global issue is often highlighted on International Women's Day?
A Weather changes
B Gender equality and women's rights
C Movie releases
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