

Simple Conversations About Feelings

  • Talking About Happiness
    • Alex: You seem very happy today! 😊
    • Sarah: Yes, I had a great day at the park. 🌳
    • Alex: It's good to see you so cheerful. 🌟
  • Discussing Feeling Sad
    • Alex: You look a bit sad. What's wrong? 😔
    • Sarah: I lost my favorite book. 📚
    • Alex: Don't worry. We can look for it together. 👍
  • A Conversation About Being Scared
    • Alex: Did you watch that scary movie last night? 🎬
    • Sarah: Yes, and now I feel a bit scared. 😨
    • Alex: It's just a movie. You're safe here. 🏠


Easy and Helpful Words: Feelings

  1. Happy 😊: Feeling good and cheerful.
    • Example: She's always happy in the morning.
  2. Sad 😔: Feeling unhappy or down.
    • Example: He was sad about missing the party.
  3. Scared 😨: Feeling afraid or frightened.
    • Example: She's scared of big dogs.
  4. Angry 😠: Feeling mad about something.
    • Example: He got angry when he lost his keys.
  5. Excited 😃: Feeling very enthusiastic and eager.
    • Example: I'm excited about the trip next week.
  6. Tired 😴: Needing rest; feeling sleepy.
    • Example: After the long walk, I was very tired.
  7. Nervous 😬: Feeling anxious and worried.
    • Example: She feels nervous before tests.
  8. Calm 😌: Not excited, nervous, or upset.
    • Example: He stays calm even in difficult situations.


Simple Sentences About Feelings

  • Happy: When I see my friends, I feel happy.
  • Sad: Rainy days sometimes make me sad.
  • Scared: I am scared of the dark.
  • Angry: She gets angry when people are late.
  • Excited: He is excited about his birthday party.
  • Tired: She's tired after work every day.
  • Nervous: I get nervous speaking in front of people.
  • Calm: Yoga helps me stay calm.