Love at first sight
please share more about your love at first sight story. You can talk as much as you like!
Stative verbs Life Experiences Relative Clauses Personality and Character Traits Relationships Feelings AppearancesQUEStion 1
What is "love at first sight"?
A Feeling hungry when you see someone attractive
B Experiencing a strong and immediate attraction to someone you have just seen
C Feeling nervous around someone you have just met
QUEStion 2
Where can "love at first sight" occur?
A In any place where people can see each other
B Only in movies and books
C On a specific dating app
QUEStion 3
What is a common reaction when someone experiences "love at first sight"?
A They immediately want to sleep
B They feel a strong pull towards the other person
C They forget their own name
QUEStion 4
Can "love at first sight" lead to a long-term relationship?
A It always results in marriage
B It can, but it is not guaranteed
C It only happens in fairy tales
QUEStion 5
What is NOT a factor in "love at first sight"?
A Knowing the other person’s favorite color
B Personal hygiene
C Physical appearance
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