Your favorite gaming console
Your favorite gaming console brings joy! Share why you love it, games you play, and fun times. Feel free to talk more about it!
Stative verbs Possessive Nouns Auxiliary Verbs Free Time Relaxation JobsQUEStion 1
Where do you find cheat codes for games?
A Gaming magazines
B Cookbooks
C Encyclopedias
QUEStion 2
How do you buy new games for your console?
A Candy shop
B Online store
C Book library
QUEStion 3
What genre of games involves solving puzzles and mysteries?
A Racing
B Shooter
C Adventure
QUEStion 4
What do you wear for a more immersive gaming experience?
A Sunglasses
B Virtual reality headset
C Hat
QUEStion 5
How do you feel when you beat a difficult level?
A Frustrated
B Sleepy
C Excited
Great job!
Try the speaking task below, available in 4 levels, and receive expert feedback after completion any level you want!
StartChoose Level
What is your favorite gaming console? My favorite gaming console is…….
How many games do you have? I have…… games.
What is your favorite game? My favorite game is…….
Do you play games alone or with friends? I play games alone / with friends.
Are you a morning or evening gamer? I am a morning / evening gamer.