Free Time



Simple Conversations About Free Time with Special Words

  • Enjoying Photography as a Hobby
    • Alex: I've started learning photography. It's fascinating to capture life's moments. 📸
    • Sarah: That's a beautiful hobby. I love looking at old photos and reliving memories. 🖼
    • Alex: Yes, each photo tells a story of love and life. 💖
  • Relaxing Lifestyle Choices
    • Alex: How do you prefer to spend your leisure time? 🛋
    • Sarah: I enjoy a quiet lifestyle, maybe reading a luxury magazine or gardening. 🌸
    • Alex: Nice! I usually work on my metal model kits. It's relaxing. 🛠
  • Discussing Mentors in Life
    • Alex: Has anyone been a mentor to you in your hobbies or life? 👤
    • Sarah: Yes, my art teacher. She always says, 'I love you for your creativity.' 🎨
    • Alex: What a wonderful way to encourage someone! 😊


Easy and Helpful Words: Free Time with Special Words

  1. Photography 📸: Taking pictures as a hobby or job.
    • Example: Photography helps me capture and keep life's precious moments.
  2. Lifestyle 🌿: The way a person or group lives.
    • Example: A healthy lifestyle includes good food and exercise.
  3. Luxury 💎: Great comfort or elegance.
    • Example: Sometimes, luxury is having time to enjoy a peaceful afternoon.
  4. Memory 📔: Something remembered from the past.
    • Example: Family gatherings are full of happy memories.
  5. Metal 🛠️: A hard, shiny material like iron or gold.
    • Example: He collects vintage cars made of metal.
  6. Mentor 🧑‍🏫: Someone who teaches or gives help and advice.
    • Example: My mentor taught me the art of saying 'I love you' through painting.
  7. Hobby 🎨: An activity done regularly for pleasure.
    • Example: My hobby is making crafts, which brings joy to my life.
  8. Read 📚: To look at and understand written words.
    • Example: I love to read stories about ancient lifestyles.


Simple Sentences About Free Time with Special Words

  • Photography: Photography allows me to create lasting memories.
  • Lifestyle: I admire a lifestyle filled with love and happiness.
  • Luxury: For me, luxury is spending time with loved ones.
  • Memory: We made a photo album to keep our favorite memories.
  • Metal: I found a metal locket that holds a photo of someone I love.
  • Mentor: My mentor encourages me to pursue a lifestyle that fulfills me.
  • Hobby: His hobby of collecting metal models is impressive.
  • Read: In my free time, I read books about different lifestyles around the world.