Routine Actions


Expressing Routine Actions in English:

  • Simple Present Tense: Typically used for routines.
    • Example: I brush my teeth every morning.
  • Time Expressions: Often include every day, usually, on Mondays, etc.
    • Example: She goes to the gym every evening.


Common Routine Actions:

  1. Morning Routines: I wake up at 7 AM.
  2. Work or School Activities: He attends meetings on weekdays.
  3. Meal-Related Habits: We have dinner at 8 PM.
  4. Exercise and Leisure: She reads before bed.


Talking About Routine Actions

  • First Person: I usually start my day with a cup of coffee.
  • Third Person: He often takes a walk after lunch.
  • Negative Form: I don’t watch TV in the mornings.
  • Question Form: Do you exercise regularly?


Common Mistakes When Describing Routine Actions

  • Incorrect Verb Tense:
    • 🚫 Wrong: I am waking up at 7 AM every day.
    • ✅ Right: I wake up at 7 AM every day.
  • Mixing Up Time Expressions:
    • 🚫 Wrong: She gym goes every evening.
    • ✅ Right: She goes to the gym every evening.
  • Forgetting the 's' in the Third Person Singular:
    • 🚫 Wrong: He wake up early on weekdays.
    • ✅ Right: He wakes up early on weekdays.
  • Using Specific Time with Habitual Actions:
    • 🚫 Wrong: I eat lunch at 1 PM yesterday.
    • ✅ Right: I ate lunch at 1 PM yesterday. (For specific past actions)