Completed Past Actions


Using Simple Past Tense for Completed Actions:

  • Structure: Subject + past form of the verb.
    • Example: I visited the museum last weekend.

Talking About Completed Past Actions:

  1. Specific Events: She graduated from college two years ago.
  2. Finished Activities: They played a football match yesterday.
  3. Past Habits or States: He lived in Brazil when he was young.
  4. Sequential Past Actions: We arrived at the hotel, checked in, and went to our room.


Narrating Completed Actions

  • Describing Past Experiences: I traveled to Italy last summer.
  • Telling Stories or Anecdotes: He found a rare coin in his backyard.
  • Reporting Past Events: The company launched a new product last month.
  • Recounting Sequences of Events: First, we attended the meeting, and then we went out for lunch.


Common Mistakes When Talking About Completed Past Actions

  • Using Present Tense Instead of Past Tense:
    • 🚫 Wrong: I go to the beach yesterday.
    • ✅ Right: I went to the beach yesterday.
  • Incorrect Past Tense Form of Verbs:
    • 🚫 Wrong: She writed a letter.
    • ✅ Right: She wrote a letter.
  • Omitting Time References for Specific Past Actions:
    • 🚫 Wrong: They visited their grandparents.
    • ✅ Right: They visited their grandparents last weekend. (If the time is known and relevant)
  • Confusing Simple Past with Present Perfect:
    • 🚫 Wrong: I have seen him yesterday.
    • ✅ Right: I saw him yesterday.
  • Using Continuous Form for Completed Actions:
    • 🚫 Wrong: We were eating dinner at a restaurant.
    • ✅ Right: We ate dinner at a restaurant. (If the action is completely finished)