Greetings and Goodbyes


Let's learn how to say hello and goodbye in everyday English. These are easy words that we often use when we start or end a chat with someone.

Alex: Hi, Sarah! How's your day going? 👋

Sarah: Hey, Alex! I'm doing well, thanks for asking. And you? 😊

Alex: I'm fine too, thanks. You're still coming to the café later, right?

Sarah: Yep, I'll be there. See you soon! 👍

Alex: Awesome, can't wait. Take care! 👋

Sarah: You too. Bye for now! 👋


Easy and Helpful Words

  • Hi 👋: A friendly way to say hello.
    • Example: Hi, I saw you here yesterday as well!
  • Hello 🙋‍♂️: A usual way to greet someone, any time of the day.
    • Example: Hello, can I help you with something?
  • Goodbye 👋: What we say when we're leaving.
    • Example: Goodbye! See you tomorrow.
  • Bye 🚶‍♂️: A quicker, more relaxed way to say goodbye.
    • Example: I need to go now, bye!
  • See you 👀: A casual way to say we'll meet again.
    • Example: See you at the party tonight!
  • Take care 💪: Saying you hope someone stays well.
    • Example: Take care and get some good rest.
  • How are you? 🤔: A common question to check on someone.
    • Example: How do you feel today?
  • Thanks for asking 🙏: A nice reply to 'How are you?'
    • Example: I'm okay, thanks for asking!


Starting Chats With Hello and Goodbye Words

  • Friendly Hello: Hi, nice to meet you! How's your day? 👋😊
  • Casual Hello: Hello! Haven't seen you in a bit, what's new? 🙋‍♂️🌟
  • Words When Leaving: Need to go now, goodbye! Let's talk again soon. 👋👣
  • Quick Bye: In a rush, so bye for now! We'll chat later. 🏃‍♂️👋
  • Planning to Meet: See you at the movie tonight! It's going to be great. 👀🎬
  • Caring Goodbye: Take care and tell me if you need anything. 💪❤️
  • Asking About Someone: How are you? I heard you weren't feeling great. 🤔🌧
  • Kind Reply: I'm good, thanks for asking! How about you?