Explore new places, try local foods, meet cool people, and make fun memories with Airbnb. Share your stories, no limit to words!
Future plans Life Experiences Completed Past Actions Travel and Accommodation Food Greetings and GoodbyesQUEStion 1
What do you use Airbnb for?
A Renting someone's home
B Staying at a hotel
C Buying a house
QUEStion 2
Who can you meet through Airbnb?
A Only tourists
B Only hotel managers
C Local homeowners
QUEStion 3
What kind of experiences can you share on Airbnb?
A Your cooking recipes
B Your travel stories
C Your school lessons
QUEStion 4
What should you do after your stay with Airbnb?
A Leave a thank you note
B Make the bed
C Write a review
QUEStion 5
How can you choose a place on Airbnb?
A By reviews and location
B By the host’s pet
C By its color
Great job!
Try the speaking task below, available in 4 levels, and receive expert feedback after completion any level you want!
StartChoose Level
What is your favorite Airbnb place? My favorite place is…….
How many times have you used Airbnb? I have used it……… times.
What is your reason for using Airbnb? My reason is………
Are you happy with your Airbnb experiences? I am……… with my Airbnb experiences.
What city do you want to visit next using Airbnb? I want to visit………..