Your dream job
Imagine your dream job, where you do what you love, feel happy, and succeed. Now, share more about it with us!
(Can, Could) (Must, Have to) Singular Possessives Job Actions and Responsibilities Occupations and Professions Work Environment Career Development JobsQUEStion 1
What is the first step to finding your dream job?
A Waiting for it to find you
B Immediately applying for any job
C Identifying what you love to do
QUEStion 2
What's important for succeeding in your dream job?
A Working hard and learning
B Luck only
C Being famous
QUEStion 3
How can you learn more about your dream job?
A Ignoring it
B Guessing
C Researching and asking professionals
QUEStion 4
What should your dream job make you feel?
A Fulfilled and happy
B Unhappy
C Tired all the time
QUEStion 5
Why is it important to set goals for your dream job?
A Goals are not important
B To have a clear direction and motivation
C To make sure you're always busy
Great job!
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