
Learning to ride a bike

Riding a bike is fun! You can go fast, feel the wind, and see new places. Let's try, fall, get up, and try again together!

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QUEStion 1


This item protects your head if you fall. It's hard and not for fashion or sun.

What should you wear on your head for safety when riding a bike?

A A hat

B A helmet

C Sunglasses

Choose Level



What was the color of your first bike? My first bike was (color).

Who taught you how to ride a bike? I was taught how to ride a bike by (person/way of learning).

Did your first bike have any special features (like a bell or basket)? My first bike had (no special features/a bell/a basket).

How did you feel the first time you rode without support? The first time I rode without support, I felt (nervous/excited/scared).

What safety gear did you wear when learning to ride? When learning to ride, I wore (helmet/knee pads/elbow pads/nothing).


