Last time you helped someone
Last time I helped a friend, we laughed a lot and ate pizza. You can do good too! Share your story, any length is okay!
Completed Past Actions Personality and Character Traits Feelings GratitudeQUEStion 1
How did you feel when you last helped someone?
A Tired because it was a lot of work.
B Happy because I made a difference.
C Sad because I had to help.
QUEStion 2
Why did you decide to help?
A Because I wanted to make them smile.
B Because I had nothing better to do.
C Because they asked me to.
QUEStion 3
How often do you help others?
A Every day in small ways.
B Only when someone asks me.
C Once a year.
QUEStion 4
What is the best part of helping someone?
A Expecting them to help you back
B Getting a thank you
C Feeling good inside
QUEStion 5
Our friend was upset about not passing a test. What did you do to cheer them up?
A Just told them to study harder next time.
B Studied together for the next test.
C ook them out for ice cream.
Great job!
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